Read about what a Financial Coach does
Discomfort, frustration, shame and anxiety are common emotions that often colour a first financial coaching conversation. Listening and being aware of what is really “going on” here is crucial.Morgan O’Connell gives us a personal insight into his role as a...
I have a €30,000 lump sum. What should I do with it?
As interest rates are at an all time low at present, deposit returns are poor. Investment returns of course outstrip these returns but below are other considerations before you decide on a course of action with your money: Access: Tying your money up for longer...
Give yourself a pay – rise this winter
Working with clients in the area of money and work often throws up discussion items like getting a payraise, feeling underapreciated or frustrated because the money they earn is just not enough. This winter, with the staggering increase in the cost of...
Tips on updating your CV
My work as a coach involves helping clients manage their personal brand and message as told through their CV and social media profile. A CV with no impact and clearly in need of work is like a weight holding them back. Each vacancy is an opportunity, so...
Are you tired living paycheck to paycheck?
As you might expect, this is a common occurrence. You know that feeling at the end of the month where you take out your debit card and go to pay for something. A little voice in the back of your head asks: “is there enough in the account to cover this?” There is a...
New Year’s Resolutions – Oh Behave!
This cozy little fella above looks relaxed but may need to make some New Year’s Resolutions…. maybe. Yes, I have heard the one-liner about resolutions. “Mine is to break them” or “mine is not to make them in the first place”. The doggie looks like he is in deep...
Worried about debt?
Are you worried about debt and haven’t done anything about it? Why wait. If it is holding your back, it is time to act.
Shine the light on your expenditure this January!
Yes, indeed, it looks like we will have more time at home, good for some, bad for others. The New Years’ Resolutions are a bit deflated as the lockdown has smothered some. At this time of year, so many people plan to overhaul their personal finances, but this loses...
Couples Money: Joint Bank Account – Yes or No?
I have been speaking to couples about their joint finances recently. A lot of issues came up, but one unavoidable decision at the outset was whether to open a joint bank account (or not) and then what to put into it. Like everything with money, there are emotions,...
Some questions to ask yourselves about money before you get married or cohabit.
It’s hard enough getting to grips with personal finance when you are on your own, but as a couple, there is an extra dimension to it.
Debt and Spending Analysis
5 reasons why everyone should analyse their budgeting and spending… at least once. Ever wonder where the money goes? Ever experience financial stress when you look at your bank account in the middle of the month and feel sick? Ever dread the credit card bill date and...
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